Vetoed Bills We Didn’t Know About
If you listened to Daniel this week, you know that Governor DeSantis vetoed another “jail break” bill: CS/CS/HB 1241 – Probation and Community Control Violations
The bill would allow judges to modify probation (max 90-day jail) for A SECOND technical violation of probation (i.e., not a new felony, misdemeanor, or criminal traffic offense). Basically giving a fourth (or higher) chance for criminals who have already been given multiple chances with probation rather than jail time and basically no punishment for a first technical violation of probation.
The really disturbing part about the bill is that it passed UNANIMOUSLY in BOTH houses: 111-0 in the House and 39-0 in the Senate. There is absolutely no reason why supposedly conservative legislators should all be voting yes on a bill that every Democrat voted for (other than naming a building). As Gen George S. Patton said: “If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking.”
There was another bill vetoed: CS/SB 62 – Resident Status for Tuition Purposes
The bill would have preserved access to in-state tuition rates for individuals who have been sentenced to jail or prison. It was touted as fixing some technicality where residency documents like a driver’s license expire while a person is in jail, but my guess is the true purpose was a back door to get in-state tuition for illegals. This bill passed 109-5 in the House and 38-0 in the Senate.
We really need a legislative watch team to make the next batch of legislators terrified of doing these kinds of bad bills. They need to know that someone is watching what they’re doing. Too often, they thrive on the ignorance and apathy of the voters. It’s more essential than campaign contributions because when people aren’t watching, the politicians just pay themselves by voting money for their friends who launder it as campaign contributions.
Other bills that have been vetoed:
HB 317 – Interstate Safety (would have prohibited drivers from operating a motor vehicle in the furthermost left lane on any roadway with two or more lanes and a speed limit of at least 65 mph except when overtaking and passing another vehicle)
CS/CS/SB 494 – Graduate Program Admissions (would have waived GRE or GMAT standardized testing requirement for any service member who applies to a graduate program)
CS/HB 821 – Melbourne-Tillman Water Control District, Brevard County
More bills signed into law:
June 25:
CS/HB 479 – Alternative Mobility Funding Systems and Impact Fees
CS/CS/SB 1198 – Corporate Actions
June 24:
HB 187 – Antisemitism
HB 1109 – Security for Jewish Day Schools and Preschools
CS/HB 321 – Release of Balloons
June 21:
HB 1577 – Midway Fire District, Santa Rosa County
CS/HB 6007 – Relief/Julia Perez/St. Johns County Sheriff’s Office
CS/HB 7019 – Exemption of Homesteads
CS/CS/HB 23 – Public Records/Dozier School for Boys and Okeechobee School Victim Compensation Program
CS/HB 21 – Dozier School for Boys and Okeechobee School Victim Compensation Program
HB 849 – Veterinary Practices
CS/HB 429 – Real Property
CS/HB 303 – Rabies Vaccinations
CS/CS/HB 273 – Public Records/Animal Foster or Adoption
CS/HB 87 – Taking of Bears
HB 1575 – Avalon Beach-Mulat Fire Protection District, Santa Rosa County
HB 1573 – Pace Fire Rescue District, Santa Rosa County
CS/SB 7014 – Ethics
CS/SB 692 – Public Records/Florida Gaming Control Commission
June 18
CS/CS/HB 885 – Coverage for Biomarker Testing
CS/CS/CS/SB 1582 – Department of Health
CS/SB 7072 – Cancer Funding
SB 7078 – Public Records/Cancer Research Grant Applications
June 14
HB 73 – Supported Decisionmaking Authority
CS/HB 755 – Canaveral Port District, Brevard County
HB 1115 – Three Rivers Stewardship District, Sarasota County
HB 1117 – City of North Port, Sarasota County
CS/CS/HB 1165 – Town of Sneads, Jackson County
HB 1483 – Pinellas County Construction Licensing Board, Pinellas County
CS/HB 1571 – Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority, Monroe County
CS/CS/CS/HB 1021 – Community Associations
CS/CS/HB 975 – Background Screenings and Certifications
CS/CS/HB 7021 – Mental Health and Substance Abuse
CS/SB 362 – Medical Treatment Under the Workers’ Compensation Law (sponsored by Sen. Jennifer Bradley)
Economic Victory Lap
Last week’s economic numbers had Governor DeSantis taking a victory lap. From Q1 2019 to Q2 2024, Florida’s GDP grew 21.9%, compared to 11.1 for the nation as a whole. Florida also had over 3 million new businesses formed since 2019.
In his press conference, DeSantis said, “Our responsible governance and fiscal constraint mean our state economy has significantly outperformed the national economy.”
Training Opportunities
These are all offered by The Leadership Institute (link should take you to FL sessions). You might not need the training, but it’s still a good place to go meet like-minded conservatives and help build your network.
- Get out the Pro-Life Vote (GOTV), July 9, Naples
- GOTV, July 13, Land O’Lakes
- GOTV, July 23, Clearwater
- GOTV, August 1, Jacksonville
- GOTV, August 6, Winter Park
- GOTV, August 8, Gainesville (assuming it’s not banned before then)
- GOTV, August 13, Tallahassee
- GOTV, August 22, West Palm Beach
- GOTV, August 24, Pensacola
- GOTV, August 27, Coral Gables
Bay of Pigs History Lesson
Tomorrow, the Alachua County Republican Party meeting will feature interview with local man who was imprisoned in Cuba after the Bay of Pigs invasion. This should be worth the drive if you can make it to Gainesville.