Florida CAN is a grassroots organization made up of local citizens and volunteers seeking to protect the liberties given to us by God our creator, and enshrined in the U.S. Constitution.
We are not affilated with any political candidates or party, but part of the Constitution Action Network conceived by Daniel Horowitz, Senior Editor at Blaze Media and conservative writer, policy analyst, and host of CR Podcast.
Join us today, and help us to organize. We need average folks like us to stand up for our liberties and protect the “Republic, if you can keep it” that Benjamin Franklin helped to create.

To organize, mobilize and educate like-minded individuals in Florida to apply positive pressure on the Florida Legislature and Executive branches to ensure FL remains a free and prosperous state.

Above all we cherish God and our families. We believe that “we the people” run the government, not the other way around. We believe in free and open discourse, and therefore abhor violence, totalitarianism, and coercion above all else.

First, let us know who you are by completing the Join Us form.
Then, stay up to date with what is happening in Florida by reading our Legislative page and Blog.
Educate yourself on the issues that matter on our Resources page.