It’s time to restore our nation by exercising our power
over state and local government.
When looking to make an impact within the political landscape, too much focus is placed on political parties, individual politicians, and federal elections. Most elected politicians continue to disappoint voters with their apathy, political ambition, and/or a refusal transformative policies that undermine the founding principles of our nation.
Clearly, a purely national focus and “top down” approach isn’t working. It’s time to embrace localism and grassroots efforts in order to empower citizens at the local level. Our local governments have a larger impact on our daily quality of life (education, public safety, roads, taxes, utility rates, zoning rules, etc.). Also, given our federal constitutional system, states have a lot of power to fight the overreach of the federal government.
History shows governments do not control themselves without well-informed, active citizens. It’s time to exercise our power over state and local government to restore our nation.
Florida CAN aims to keep citizens informed on the state’s legislative agenda and partner with other liberty-minded organizations to amplify our voices. We also provide tools to make it easy to correspond with state legislators in constructive and respectful dialogue.

“Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”
Speech to Virginia House of Burgesses, Mar 23, 1775