Parents: Vigilantly protect your child from indoctrination.
What can parents do?
Parents, you are the front line defense against individuals and agendas that seek to harm and confuse your children. Do not be fooled by polite authority figures who claim to have your child’s best interest at heart, yet are clearly pushing a destructive ideology that undermines the parent-child relationship.
Moms for Liberty is doing the painstaking work of rooting out porn and sexually explicit material from public school libraries. Their efforts have been deemed by the American Library Association (ALA) as a fascist attempt to ban books, but nothing could be further from the truth. Providing healthy boundaries and advocating for age-appropriate material for children and teens used to be the norm among responsible, mature adults, but is now considered bigoted by many. The ALA actively advocates for books like This Book is Gay and Me, Earl, and the Dying Girl which are aimed at teens and feature explicit sexual content, sometimes complete with graphic pictures. The partnership of parents and teachers is a powerful way to protect students from the developmentally and spiritually harmful content that is being pushed into public schools.
Get Informed
Support groups and guides:
- Parents of Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria Kids
- Help for parents, families, and individuals
- American College of Pediatricians Brochure
- Advocates Protecting Children
Abigail Shrier, Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing our Daughters.
Hillary Morgan Ferrer, Mama Bear Apologetics: Empowering Your Kids to Challenge Cultural Lies.
Maria Keffler. Desit, Detrans & Detox: Getting Your Child Out of the Gender Cult.
Schools & Children: Caught in the Transgender Industry’s Web
Gender Theory’s Impact of Society
Join activist groups
- Moms for Liberty. Parents and concerned citizens who are dedicated to fighting for the survival of America by unifying, educating and empowering moms and dads to defend their parental rights at all levels of government. Join or start a local chapter today.
- Back to School for Parents. A busy parent’s guide to what’s happening in your children’s classrooms and practical steps you can take to protect them
Get involved in your school board and the state’s legislative session
- Find your FL district legislators here and convey your concern about the transgender movement’s impact on education, law, medicine, and sports.
- Click here <link to current session> for current FL bills relating to gender and to find out how to make your voice heard.
- Sign up <link to sign up page> to receive NDCAN’s emails for specific and easy action steps to make your voice heard by participating in the legislative process.
Find a gender-critical pediatrician and/or therapist.
The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), a far-left activist organization, is the leading transgender health association that releases guidelines that the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the American Medical Association (AMA) uncritically adopt. Their latest guidelines suggest that if parents do not affirm their child’s newly chosen identity, Child Protective Services may be enabled to intervene in order to assist with the child’s transition. Parental involvement is recommended, they say, but not necessary. Not only is the transgender movement a direct assault on children and teens, it is an attack on parental rights. WPATH is comprised of activists who have an ideological and financial stake in transitioning as many kids as possible, and to do that, they will need to remove the first line of defense against predators: the parents. Make sure that your child’s doctor does not follow the pseudoscientific and unethical guidelines promoted by WPATH, AMA, and AAP. Look to the American College of Pediatricians for sound resources relating to your child’s health.
Here are options to find a therapist:
Vigilantly protect your child from indoctrination
- Explore alternatives to government schools. Public School Exit seeks to facilitate the exodus of American children and families from government-controlled education by educating the public and helping families.
- Know that schools around the country are starting to implement “Transition Closets”. These closets enable students to go to school in their typical clothing and change into donated clothing that matches their gender-identity – all without parental knowledge or consent. Students are being socially transitioned in public schools by teachers and administrators using opposite pronouns and changed names with zero parental involvement or approval. If your child attends public school, it is time for frank conversations with teachers, administrators, and school board members regarding this issue. It’s up to you to decide if you trust your child with these individuals and whether or not your child can withstand a pervasive social contagion that is being spurred on by professional-level activist groomers.
- The Gender Sexuality Allies (GSA) after-school club that meets in your school district is not a benign support group for kids that simply encourages kindness, inclusion, and diversity. It is a local chapter of a well-funded, professionally staffed, political organization whose main goal is to establish radical Left-wing ideology in all areas of public education.
- Limit your child’s screen time. The introduction of the smart phone has been overwhelmingly negative for children and teens. Not only is it a major factor in the meteoric rise in anxiety and depression among youth, but it is a direct portal to predators, pornography and political indoctrination. Trans activists who will welcome your child with open arms are just a YouTube click away. They assure struggling teens that their discomfort with their lives and their bodies will go away once they start the transition process. TikTok has thousands of videos that glamorize being transgender. Kids and teens are simply not equipped to handle social media in general, much less the professional-level grooming that takes place online. They aren’t equipped to be in contact with their friends 24/7. What they need is face to face time with family and friends. To play outside. To challenge their minds and attention spans by reading books – actual, physical books with no pictures. Adults, let’s relearn what it’s like to live without a phone glued to our side and our faces, and let’s lead the way to a healthier and happier life for our children.
- Disciple your children. The primary responsibility to train a child up in the way he should go cannot be outsourced to Sunday school teachers and Christian schools. Activists are working around the clock to disciple the next generation into secular progressivism and complete obedience to an increasingly wicked and authoritarian government. Imparting values that run counter to our culture requires as much, if not more, effort than the well-funded elites who are dedicated to capturing the hearts and minds of the next generation.
Be willing to do what it takes
The following advice is from Abigail Shrier, author of Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing our Daughters.
- Don’t buy your child a smartphone. If they need a phone, consider buying one without internet access, social media, or third-party apps.
- Don’t relinquish your authority as the parent.
- Don’t tolerate Gender Ideology in your child’s education.
- Reintroduce privacy into the home. Refrain from oversharing your family’s life on social media. Exemplify for your child that it is not necessary to make big personal announcements on social media.
- Consider big steps to separate your child from the harmful social contagion of the transgender movement. This may mean pulling your child from school and/or moving temporarily or permanently if they insist on their perceived transgender identity.
- Remind your child that going through puberty is uncomfortable for almost everyone. Remind them that it is a temporary stage in their lives, but it is a necessary, natural, and beneficial process in their physical, emotional, and intellectual development.
- Do not affirm your child’s changed name and/or pronouns. Be their reality check and make it as easy as possible for them to change their mind once they mature out of this phase.

“For no people will tamely surrender their liberties, nor can any be easily subdued, when knowledge is diffused and virtue is preserved. On the contrary, when people are universally ignorant, and debauched in their manners, they will sink under their own weight without the aid of foreign invaders.”