Happy New Year!

Legislative Watch Team

 It’s time to get serious about tracking the 2025 legislative session. Figure these legislators are like spoiled kids. They’ll only behave if they know they’re being watched and that there will be consequences for bad behavior.

In the coming days there will be legislative delegation meetings throughout the state. This is where the legislators get to play feudal lord and bask in the adoration of the peasants who come begging for scraps of their beneficence (using our tax dollars of course). The meeting will have a few legitimate speakers like your local prosecutor, public defender, fire chief, etc., but it’s also an excuse for every griftera and moocher to come with open palms sucking up to the legislators, who usually fall for it all and fund their own political enemies.

If you don’t hear anything about the legislative delegation meeting before or after it happens, you need to pick a different local news source. This is the sausage being made and they want the taxpayers to be ignorant about it.

COVID-19 Grand Jury Report is a dud

The 144 page report is available here: https://acis-api.flcourts.gov/courts/68f021c4-6a44-4735-9a76-5360b2e8af13/cms/case/172e2f34-0a47-41fa-a92f-6fc5ad21b4c9/docketentrydocuments/014d2065-ab2b-40b7-b42e-534adf57e553

These 2 recommendations say all you need to know:

“Failure to comply with Statewide Grand Jury Subpoenas should be a crime.” p126

Clearly, there will be no accountability for the abuses of 2020-21. Lockdowns, forced masking, closing churches, vax mandates, immunity for big pharma… all of it was totally OK. The people being investigated & questioned knew they’d get away with it & behaved accordingly. You can bet we’ll see a replay of the abuses in the near future.